Monday, March 28, 2016

Bit Plane Slicing in MATLAB

       Read fractal.jpg file. Display individual bits as binary image. Display and comment on the result.  (Hint: use bitget built-in function)


clc; clear;

subplot(3,3,1), imshow(A), title('Original Image');
for k=1:8
    for i=1:row
        for j=1:col
            C(i,j,k)=bitget(A(i,j),k);        %Bit slicing
    subplot(3,3,k+1), imshow(C(:,:,k)), title(['Bit Plane ',num2str(k-1)]);


We observe that the three higher order planes, especially the 8th bit plane, contain a significant amount of the visually significant data. The lower order planes contribute to more subtle intensity details in the image. Decomposing an image into its bit planes is useful for analyzing the relative importance of each bit in the image and is useful for image compression.

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